In hive fungal bio-control of small hive beetle
OLD ABN-The State Of Queensland Acting Through The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Project code: PRJ-004150
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Project completion date: Wednesday, May 16, 2012
National Priority: HBE-Improve understanding of nutrition best practice and disease interaction
This project will build on the outcomes of the previous RIRDC project PRJ-000037 which undertook a feasibility study into the fungal biocontrol of small hive beetle with endemic isolates of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. This project will furhter investigate the potential of the Beauveria isolates found to be virulent to adult SHB.
The methodology will build on the DPI&F expertise gained in the previous RIRDC porject and the more general expertise gained from research into fungal control of a range of livestock pests and parasites. The project team at Yeerongpilly intends to work closely with and seek advice from others experienced in the honey bee industry: DPI&F apiary officers, Qld Beekeepers Association, Queen Bee Breeeders Association and consult with NSW DPI officers Dr Garry Levot and Mr Nick Annand
Honey Bee
Research Organisation
OLD ABN-The State Of Queensland Acting Through The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Objective Summary
• Determine the most virulent Beauveria isolate towards adult SHB
• Assess toxicity of Beauveria isolates to bees
• Determine minimal effective dose of the selected fungal isolates and investigate the effect on adult beetle fecundity of the fungal spores
• Develop effective formulation and delivery system for in hive treatment of beetles, specifically investigate the potential for combining the spores with an attractant such as the beetle vectored yeast
• Assess viability of spores under hive conditions
• Carry out in hive evaluation of fungal control of adult beetles