Mass Disposal Preparedness Project

Rosetta Management Consulting Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-011301

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Monday, June 11, 2018

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020

  • National Priority: CME-Priority 3-Contributing to efficient and secure chicken production systems


Disposal of infected material is a core component of the process of recovery from an emergency animal disease (EAD). Prior planning will make for a much more structured and efficient decision-making process in the event of an EAD.


Chicken Meat

Research Organisation

Rosetta Management Consulting Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

The recommendations of AUSVETPLAN for preplanning of disposal of animal carcasses, materials, equipment, products and by-products in the event of an EAD that may occur in the poultry industries has not yet been actioned. The objectives of this project are to develop the systems and plans that are required to meet AUSVETPLAN recommendations.