Providing new and emerging animal industries with up to date market assessments
AgEconPlus Pty Ltd
Project code: PRJ-010227
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Project completion date: Friday, December 9, 2016
National Priority: NAP-Provide new and developing animal industries with regular and up-to-date market assessments
Objective 1 of the RIRDC Animal Industries 5 Year RD&E Plan 2013-18 is to ‘Provide new and developing animal industries with regular and up-to-date market assessments’ which will be delivered by ‘commissioning market research to identify the market potential for particular industries’. This study will delivery market research for three new and emerging animal industries from a short list of five developed with Dr Dave Alden and Julie Bird of RIRDC. Industries under consideration include Alpaca, Buffalo, Edible Insects, Mohair and Red Claw/Marron. Market research will include potential market demand and competitor analysis as well as benchmarking analysis to assist existing and potential producers to understand cost of production and profit drivers. The analysis will address production volumes and values at first point of sale; costs of production and profit drivers; domestic markets; export markets; imports; promotion and market development; description of supply chains; value adding opportunities; and major trends that align with these industries products. Research will be completed in close collaboration with the industry and include in-kind industry commitment. Output will include both a detailed report and Fact Sheet for each industry analysed and will be available for uploading to industry and RIRDC websites including the online Farm Diversity portal.
New and Emerging Animal Industries
Research Organisation
AgEconPlus Pty Ltd
Objective Summary
•To complete market research to identify the market potential of three new and emerging animal industries.
Funding this research will add to the information base available in Australia and will help current and potential producers make informed decisions.
The project is consistent with Objective 1 of the New, Developing and Maturing Animal Industries Program RD&E Plan (‘Provide new and developing animal industries with regular and up-to-date market assessments’).