The Australian International Industrial Hemp Conference
Project code: PRJ-010776
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, November 17, 2017
Project completion date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018
National Priority: NEPI-Industry building and connectivity
Provide a forum for Australian farmers interested in growing industrial hemp as a broad acre rotation crop and Australian businesses interested in selling or using industrial hemp products, i.e., seed, fibre and hurd.
The conference program includes plenary and invitation talks in the morning of both days followed by parallel sessions by researchers and industry people in the afternoon. It is envisaged that half of all presentations will focus on hemp as a crop with topics to cover including cultivars, breeding programs, cultivation practices, crop agronomy, water regimes, pests, weeds and harvesting. The other half of the conference will focus on industry structure and the products from hemp and their processing. The conference committee has invited overseas experts (from Canada, the USA and Holland) to provide their experience to the conference.
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
Objective Summary
The aim of the conference is to bring interested people together to hear from world experts in industrial hemp production and processing.