New research

To assess the fit for your research idea with AgriFutures Australia’s vision and strategic priorities, it helps to first do your homework.

Getting started

As a starting point, we recommend you familiarise yourself with:

If your idea is in line with AgriFutures Australia’s vision, the next step is to talk to the relevant Program Manager (see the relevant industry pages for contact details) and keep an eye on the Funding opportunities page for funding opportunities.

Open call

AgriFutures Australia will request research project proposals via an open call process focused on specific programs and research priorities. Requests for research project proposals will be made available on the AgriFutures Australia website as required.

Outside the open call process, if you have a research project you’d like to discuss with us, please contact relevant Program Manager (see the relevant industry pages for contact details).

Prior to submitting

The Project Lead must have a K2 account in order to submit a proposal. Please visit the K2 guides and login page for more information about obtaining access and to view the user guides.

Research Agreement

AgriFutures Australia uses a standard Research Agreement for R&D projects which sets out the terms on which AgriFutures Australia will engage successful applicants to carry out the project.

Applicants must be familiar with the Research Agreement before lodging Preliminary Research Proposals (PRPs), and are advised to seek their own legal advice before lodging a PRP. Please visit the Contracts and agreements page to view sample agreements and contracts.

Research Agreement resources