To provide research outcomes to the broader chicken meat industry, the AgriFutures project PRJ-011920 ‘Training and extension for the Australian chicken meat industry’ , led by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) host a series of webinars to deliver project information and outcomes to the industry.
Project lead, Rachele Osmond (DAF) said that while the travel restrictions due to the COVID pandemic were the catalyst to starting the webinars, the project team has found that by using this platform they have reached people that would not normally attend traditional face-to-face activities.
‘We have held webinars based on various themes that correspond with the AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program’s key focus areas and objectives. To date, the project team have held webinars on litter management, gut health, environmental sustainability, biosecurity, health and welfare, bird behaviour and nutrition, including reduced protein diets.’
‘The webinars generally go for an hour over lunch time so people can listen in while they have a break. The other advantage of these webinars is that they are recorded and published online for people to view when it’s convenient. As we are covering such a wide range of topics, there should be something of interest for everyone.’
Information and registration details of the webinars, can be found on the extensionAUS Chicken Meat RD&E event calendar and past webinars are available to view via
To be notified about upcoming webinars, please register for AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program Updates.