Participate in the AgriFutures’ Independent Performance Review Survey

As valued industry stakeholders, we invite you to participate in the independent performance review of AgriFutures, as required under its Statutory Funding Agreement.

By completing our 5-10 minute survey, you’ll contribute to a comprehensive analysis of:

  • AgriFutures’ strategic alignment and effectiveness
  • The impact and relevance of its research and innovation initiatives
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies and overall communication
  • Opportunities for improvement

Your participation is completely anonymous, and your feedback will be instrumental in formulating recommendations for the review and guiding AgriFutures’ continuous improvement.

Levied and Emerging Industry Stakeholders

If you are a levy payer or emerging industry participant, please complete the survey here.


If you are a researcher, please complete the survey here.

The survey closes on Sunday 25 February 2024.

We appreciate your valuable time and engagement.

If you have any issues or concerns, please contact us at

Key Event Information


25 February 2024


Online survey

Helpful Information

Levied and Emerging Industry Stakeholders

If you are a levy payer or emerging industry participant, please complete the survey here.


If you are a researcher, please complete the survey here.


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