AgriFutures Ginger Program RD&E Plan (2022-2027)

  • 44 pages

  • Published: 15 Sep 2022

  • Author(s): GHD Pty Ltd

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-288-8

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The AgriFutures Ginger Program invests in research, development and extension (RD&E) that improves the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the Australian ginger industry.

The Australian ginger industry is centred around southern Queensland, with some production also occurring in northern New South Wales. In the year ending June 2021, Australia produced 5,184 tonnes of ginger (Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited, 2022). The volume of fresh supply was 2,745 tonnes (53.0%) with a wholesale value of $61.6 million. Overall, the gross value of production (GVP) of the ginger industry has steadily risen over the past seven financial years. After a spike in the value of ginger during the COVID-19 pandemic, the GVP for the 2020-21 financial year was $54.7 million, an increase of more than $3 million from the previous financial year.

For the Australian ginger industry to continue to increase its value, it must find innovative ways to remain competitive in the local market against potential international suppliers with significantly lower costs of production. To safeguard the industry, research, development and extension (RD&E) efforts will focus on identifying and developing new technologies to reduce labour inputs and increase production quality and quantity. The uniqueness and premium quality of Australian ginger will also be investigated to develop new, valuable markets for Australian ginger to increase demand and reduce the potential disruption of international ginger entering local markets.

These challenges and solutions were identified by the industry during stakeholder consultation and have been incorporated as RD&E priorities in the AgriFutures Ginger Program RD&E Plan 2022-2027. These priorities aim to ensure production of high-quality ginger in a sustainable production system, market opportunities, industry engagement and adoption of RD&E, and new technologies are available for the Australian ginger industry.

Program RD&E Plans are a key part of implementing AgriFutures Australia’s broader RD&E strategies, and are the basis on which the organisation invests on behalf of industries. These Plans identify RD&E priorities and the planned outcomes for each industry, and each has an appropriate balance of productivity and sustainability RD&E priorities. They exist within AgriFutures Australia’s broader vision, to grow the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries. In partnership with our levied industries, of which the ginger industry is one, we aim to create value by: 1. Maximising the return on investment for your R&D levy; 2. Listening to, engaging, collaborating and consulting with our industries; 3. Delivering research and innovation that addresses the specific needs of each of our industries; 4. Supporting our industries to prepare for and thrive into the future; 5. Identifying, linking and testing new technologies, practices and innovations with the potential for our industries to uptake and adopt; and 6. Assisting our industries to enhance their industry stewardship and build community and consumer confidence.

To further deliver value for the industry, the AgriFutures Ginger Program will also seek to link in with RD&E activities that form part of the organisation’s other focus areas – Emerging Industries, Workforce and Leadership, National Challenges and Opportunities, and Global Innovation Networks.

AgriFutures Australia will continue to work with the ginger industry to ensure the five-year research priorities meet industry needs and are informed by Government priorities. The adoption of RD&E outcomes is fundamental to success, and just as we have with the AgriFutures Ginger Program RD&E Plan, AgriFutures Australia will work with industry and Government stakeholders to ensure the corporation invests in knowledge that is useful and adopted by end users.