Australian Cashmere Research Workshop Proceedings 2004

  • 53 pages

  • Published: 1 Apr 2005

  • Author(s): James, Andrew

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Australian Cashmere Research Workshop Proceedings 2004 By Andrew James Proceedings Australian Cashmere Workshop in Newcastle 7th May 2004. Includes papers on: R&D for the Australian Cashmere Industry; Investigation into the Basis of Down Production in Cashmere Goats and its Improvement by Genetic Means; Cashmere production in Mongolia; Breeding for worm resistance in Cashmere goats; National evaluation of sires for the production of quality Cashmere; What Fibre Properties Are Important In Processing Cashmere On The Worsted System?; Cashmere benchmarking shows industry has the potential to increase fleece value by 35%; You’ve got to be attractive to sell: a commercial view of the cashmere industry. 2005, 53pp, Web-only pub no W05/041; FREE download