Australian Farmed Rabbit – Prospects for industry Development

  • 40 pages

  • Published: 1 Aug 1999

  • Author(s): Foster, Max, ABARE

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The emerging farmed rabbit industry in Australia is replacing the industry based on the
harvesting of wild rabbits that collapsed with the release of rabbit calicivirus disease.
While this industry has the important advantage over most other emerging industries of
having a product that is already familiar to a significant number of consumers, it still
faces many of the same challenges in becoming established.
This report is aimed at providing a concise information guide on the nature and
economic prospects of the Australian farmed rabbit industry to potential investors,
researchers and policy makers.
The report is a new addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of almost 400 research
publications and forms part of our New Animal Products R&D program which aims to
accelerate the development of viable new animal industries.
Most of our publications are available for viewing, downloading or purchasing
online through our website:
• downloads at
• purchases at
Peter Core
Managing Director
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation