Australian Moringa Strategic RD&E Plan

  • 44 pages

  • Published: 4 Feb 2022

  • Author(s): Olivia Reynolds, Michael Robinson

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-241-3

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Moringa, Moringa oleifera Lam., is a tree crop from the family Moringaceae. Moringa is a fast-growing, small-to-medium subtropical tree that is a native to the Himalayas in north-west India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. In Australia, Moringa had an industry value of $0.1m in 2019, with estimates suggesting the potential size of the Moringa industry could reach $2-5m by 2030.

Moringa is highly versatile, with almost all parts of the plant beneficial for food, fodder, medicine, biofuel or fertiliser. This versatility creates opportunities for climate-resilient regional agriculture, diversification and biofuel production from local raw materials. Moringa presents a growth opportunity in Australia that could serve both domestic and export markets.

The development of a Strategic Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Plan is a crucial first step in growth for an emerging industry. This Australian Moringa Strategic RD&E Plan clearly identifies opportunities and barriers to industry growth, and subsequent RD&E priorities for the industry. Strategic RD&E Plans for emerging industries are resources that can be used by industry to help drive investment and growth within the industry.

This Strategic RD&E Plan is the result of extensive desktop research and stakeholder consultation across the Australian Moringa industry, and pulls together specific recommendations for future investment to support the long-term growth and competitive advantage of the industry.