Australian Velvet Antler and Deer Co-Products – Part B

  • 18 pages

  • Published: 6 Jul 2002

  • Author(s): Tuckwell, Chris

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Since becoming a commercial product-based industry, the profitability of the Australian
deer industry has been based on returns from the sale of venison and velvet antler.
While the profitability of the world’s biggest farmed deer industry (New Zealand) is
similarly based on the sale of venison and velvet antler, it also obtains a significant boost to
returns from the sale of value-added velvet and venison co-products.
Asians involved in the production, processing, marketing and use of traditional Chinese
medicines are increasingly broadening their search for new sources of both raw materials
and processed products however, Australia is not a well-recognised supplier of such goods
to Asian markets for Traditional Chinese Medicine Products and to transient Asian tourist
The velvet antler and venison co-products specification manual produced by this project
will enhance the Australian deer industry’s commitment to Quality Assurance, promote the
industry as a supplier of quality products and provide a basis for confident market
Increased demand that follows market development will lead to improved value of these
products and will subsequently returns to Australian deer farmers.
Three language versions (English, Korean and Chinese) of the specification manual will be
produced to increase its usefulness and broad appeal.