Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
90 pages
Published: 24 Nov 2005
Author(s): Kavanagh, Rod, et al
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This report outlines a large-scale study to guide future planting schemes for biodiversity recovery in agricultural landscapes. It documents and compares the occurrences of more than 180 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians sampled at 136 sites representing eucalypt plantings in two broad age-classes, nearby remnants of native forest and woodland, and cleared or sparsely-treed paddocks. The study design also enabled comparison of the occurrences of these species across a range of patch-sizes of both revegetation and existing remnant vegetation. Comparisons were also made of the occupancy of young plantings by birds and bats in two landscape types, which differed mainly in their proportions of retained native vegetation. The role of vegetation type and condition, and management history, in influencing the occurrences of species in plantings and remnants is discussed. The report concludes with recommendations for restoring habitat for wildlife on farms, in the context of improving conservation outcomes from eucalypt plantings that are established for multiple purposes.