Developing Genetically Adapted Tree Varieties for Marginal Areas of Northern Australia

  • 63 pages

  • Published: 11 Nov 2005

  • Author(s): Lee, D. J., Debuse, V. J., P.C. Pomroy, Ro, K.J.

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Developing Genetically Adapted Tree Varieties for Marginal Areas of Northern Australia by D. J. Leet al. This study identifies taxa suitable for commercial plantation development on cleared marginal land in the 650-900 mm mean annual rainfall zone of northern Australia, by initiating the genetic improvement of eucalypt species and hybrids with potential as commercial hardwood tree crops in this zone. A genetic resource of E. camaldulensis has been planted, providing genetic material for future hybrid breeding trials in tropical north Queensland. Taxa–site matching trials are now in place to evaluate the potential of a large suite of taxa, including eucalypt hybrids on marginal sites across northern Australia. Studies initiated on the vegetative propagation of eucalypt hybrids provide further critical information needed to advance commercial plantation development in this region. 2005; 63pp; Pub No 04/186; $16