Exotic Crop Review Workshop, February 2003

  • 60 pages

  • Published: 1 Sep 2003

  • Author(s): O\'Connor, Pedro, Diczbalis, Yan

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This report, prepared by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries, presents the proceedings and findings of a workshop aimed at determining the priority of existing, new and emerging crop opportunities which could complement current farming systems in tropical north Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
The impetus for the workshop follows on from an initial workshop conducted in July 1997 (Ross 1997). At that time 5 major tree crops, prioritised from a group of 40 fruits, nuts and vegetables, were identified as having the most commercial potential. Since that time, 4 of the crops identified have received funding for production based and marketing issues. The future growth of these industries is dependant on building domestic market consumption along with export markets.