Forecasting Growth of Key Agroforestry Species

  • 65 pages

  • Published: 1 Jun 2000

  • Author(s): Wong, J., et al

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To obtain a better understanding of the growth and yield of agroforestry Eucalyptus species, the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (RIRDC/LWRRDC/FWPRDC) commissioned the project, “Forecasting tree growth and yield and financial returns of key agroforestry species across southern Australia”. This project was designed to:

• improve the reliability of forecasting tree growth and yield of key agroforestry species on cleared agricultural land across southern Australia, by developing height, basal area and volume predictions according to grouped site productivity classes;
• investigate relationships between tree growth rates and site factors, and construct mathematical models of tree growth which could be incorporated into financial models such as FARMTREE; and
• improve landholders’ knowledge of the relative economic returns and benefits from adopting different agroforestry regimes.