Growers Guide to Cultivating Chinese Water Chestnuts in Australia

  • 60 pages

  • Published: 1 Feb 2001

  • Author(s): Kleinhenz, Volker, Lodge, Geoff, Midmore, David

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Chinese water chestnut is a traditional Asian vegetable used to garnish salads, soups and casseroles.
While currently most water chestnuts consumed in Australia are imported as either frozen or canned
products, there is now an increasing demand for the fresh product. This has created a new opportunity and
a network of Australian water chestnut growers is developing.
The purpose of this growers’ manual is to provide information to ensure that production quality and
quantity are consistent with market demands. The manual addresses a range of issues identified by
growers at an earlier workshop, including identification and characterisation of premium planting
material, a number of issues on cultivation practices, post harvest storage, marketing and production costs
and economic viability of the industry.
A key message is that attention to quality is needed not only in the production system but also in the
harvesting, grading and storage process if water chestnuts are to reach the consumer in good condition.
This project was funded from RIRDC Core Funds which are provided by the Federal Government.
This report, a new addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 500 research publications, forms part of our
Asian Foods R&D program, which aims to provide an R&D program that supports industry in its drive to
develop new products and markets and to gain competitive advantage through improving productivity in,
and achieving price premiums for, Australian production..
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Peter Core
Managing Director
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation