Identifying pest resistant eucalypts

  • 117 pages

  • Published: 1 Oct 2001

  • Author(s): Floyd, Robert B., Foley, William J.

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This report is a summary of two and half years of research, examining natural variation in resistance in
selected Eucalyptus species to insect and vertebrate pests, mechanisms of resistance, and development
of a method of rapid identification of resistant trees using NIRS. As a result, more efficient and rapid
methods of NIRS analysis of eucalypt foliage have been developed, a better understanding of the
variation in chemistry of Eucalyptus leaves in plants of different ages and between individual trees has
been gained and, the chemical basis of resistance to a number of insect and marsupial herbivores has
been elucidated. These advances are critical to the future incorporation of pest resistance into
plantation eucalypts and assists with the overall aim of reducing reliance on chemical pesticides.