Two previous projects, BIO-1A, “Garlic, high yielding and virus free for profits”, and DAV-124A, “A cholesterol-lowering extract from garlic”, were conducted by Biofresh Australia P/L and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) at the Institute for Horticultural Development (IHD), Knoxfield. Project BIO-1A provided a selection of virus-tested garlic cultivars as seed stock for commercial production for both the fresh market and for garlic powder production, used in the pharmaceutical industry and complimentary medicine market. The initial trials of these garlic cultivars found them to be high yielding in the Sunraysia region of Victoria and in the north of South Australia.
Project DAV-124A, carried out by IHD investigated the levels of alliin reported to be a cholesterol lowering extract from garlic, developed protocols for optimising yields of alliin and identified opportunities for Australia as a source of alliin for national and international pharmaceutical companies.