Integrated Pest Management for Quandong Moth

  • 37 pages

  • Published: 1 Dec 2001

  • Author(s): Ferguson, Kaye, Bailey, Peter

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For many years recognised as one of the few Australian native fruits, quandongs are now in increasing demand from bushfood outlets and specialty restaurants. Quandongs have been traditionally sourced from trees growing in the bush, but during the past ten years commercial plantings have increased, particularly in semi arid areas.

One of the major impediments to production of quality fruit is the damage caused by the quandong moth, the larvae of which feed on the flesh of fruit, severely downgrading quality. Very little is known about the biology of this moth and the possibilities for managing it in commercial orchards.

This project aims to detail the life history of the quandong moth and enable quandong growers to manage the pest in an economically and environmentally rational manner.