JVAP Research Update No 5 – Bioenergy Atlas of Australia

  • 31 pages

  • Published: 1 Nov 2002

  • Author(s): the Bureau of Rural Sciences et al

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The Atlas has two main components: a Geographic Information System (GIS) that provides on-line mapping and query capabilities; and a Decision Support System (DSS) that is used to perform pre-determined analyses. A user can identify the location and extent of bioenergy resources that meet specified criteria using the DSS, for example processing residues within 50 kilometres of major roads and population centres. In addition to the national GIS and DSS, more detailed information (where available) is provided for the Lachlan and Goulburn-Broken catchments of south-eastern Australia. Further development and update of the Atlas in consultation with users is envisaged to include other relevant bioenergy industry data and information for various regions across Australia.