Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
28 pages
Published: 12 Jul 2006
Author(s): Gorman, J., Whitehead, P.
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Research Update 8 – Small-scale Commercial Harversts in Indigenous Communities By J. Gorman & P. Whitehead. Explores the establishment of enterprises based on small-scale harvesting of plant material. Looks at selection of plant products and discusses case studies on bushfoods, customary foods for sale within communities, live plant trade, arts and craft, as well as novelties and educational items for the tourism market. Indigenous people have emphasised the need to succeed with small enterprises delivered and controlled by their own community members and progressively develop from there. The principles and practices outlined by this research will provide some guidance in supporting this development process. 2005, 28pp, Pub. No. 04/148; FREE