National Asian Foods Newsletter – Report on Project

  • 17 pages

  • Published: 6 Aug 2000

  • Author(s): Chew, Mandy

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Australian produced Asian vegetables have high growth potential on the export and domestic markets.
Domestic market predictions are for an average annual growth rate of 20% in Sydney and Melbourne.
The supermarket requirement alone is expected to increase some 38% or $9 million and opportunities
are similar in the restaurant and Asian groceries (Lee 1996). Key constraints identified (Lee 1996) are
the disparate organisation of the industry, lack of technology (R&D) diffusion into industry and the
inadequate skill levels among growers.
RIRDC has funded a series of national projects to research production and marketing of Asian
vegetable/foods. Communicating these results effectively on a website and via a national newsletter
will assist in coordinating the national R&D program and ensure industry is kept up to date with the
latest information.