Nutritional requirements of coffee trees in northern New South Wales

  • 15 pages

  • Published: 1 Aug 2002

  • Author(s): Bayley, Mark, et al

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The coffee industry in Northern New South Wales is a relatively new industry. The Northern Rivers area, in Northern New South Wales, has traditionally been an avocado and macadamia nut growing region. Coffee growing began in the early 1990s, as farmers sought to diversity or redirect their crop base. Due to the relatively young age of the coffee industry within the area, little is known about the nutritional requirements of coffee trees.

Scientific research into the establishment of a nutritional recipe within the Northern Rivers region aimed to assist existing coffee farmers in maximising crop yields and hence annual profit margins. Research into the nutritional requirements of coffee trees can also encourage new entrants into the market, possibly creating a growth within the industry so that coffee exports may become plausible.

This report outlines research conducted on coffee trees through their early growth period in response to differing nutritional treatment regimes.