Indian sandalwood pruning management to minimise fungal attack
This RIRDC report describes the potential impacts of pruning on the heartwood rot fungal diseases within Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) in Australia associated with pruning....
53 pages
Published: 23 Apr 2007
Author(s): Falzari, Linda, Dr, Menary, Robert, Professor
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In the past, peppermint has been a valuable crop to primary producers but in recent years a decline in productivity of the crops has reduced returns to growers. This low productivity and reduced yield is known colloquially as “peppermint decline”. No single factor has been attributed as the cause of peppermint decline but two potential factors are the subject of the research in this report: one being variation in the genotypes of the peppermint under production; the second being associated with the method of propagation of planting material for new commercial areas.