Potential for tropical agroforestry in wood and animal feed production

  • 102 pages

  • Published: 5 Sep 1997

  • Author(s): Lowry, J B, Seebeck, J

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It is widely believed in Australia that trees compete with crops and pasture. However, the research described in this report shows that this may may not be the case, especially in the tropical north of the continent.

CSIRO’s Dr Brian Lowry and Jayne Seebeck reviewed literature and conducted a survey to assess the potential for agroforestry in Australia’s wet-dry tropics based on trees for both wood and animal production. They conclude there is clear evidence that some tree species can have a promotional effect on pastures.

The authors say that, through their research, it became increasingly apparent that Australia has a biological resource in the form of certain tree species that can promote animal production in a variety of ways and also yield cabinet timber similar to that which previously came from rainforests.

Their report shows why they are confident that agroforestry systems could be devised for northern Australia in which the trees not only increase total pasture production, but also prolong the period of higher pasture quality.

The results of a survey Jayne Seebeck conducted of primary producers as part of the this project, also were encouraging. The survey has helped identify areas where farmers would like more research.