Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
157 pages
Published: 17 Feb 2012
Author(s): Guy, Jeffrey, Cowden, Ken
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The NSW prawn industry is concentrated in Palmers Island, near Yamba on the Northern Rivers and is the state’s most valuable land-based aquaculture sector. The industry is competing with increased imports of cheaper prawns from Asia. Diversification is the route to an improved future, but most prawn farmers have been unsure what to diversify into, not having experience in any other forms of aquaculture.
Mulloway or jewfish (Argyrosomus japonicus), a temperate marine species, are ideally suited to northern NSW growing conditions, and is a potential new culture industry that could be rapidly developed.
Northern NSW prawn farmers and researchers and government scientists working in the area of marine fish culture will be interested in the findings of this research.