Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
133 pages
Published: 4 Jun 2008
Author(s): Hensken, F.L., Battaglia, M, Ottenschlaeger, M.
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Silviculture (the growing and tending of trees in agroforestry) models currently used in industrial forestry are not very helpful because many of the assumptions inherent in them do not apply to a lot of common situations.
This research describes a new model called AGGRO, specifically designed for farm forestry applications. It provides indicative yields for a range of farm forestry scenarios. It is informed by the many valuable silvicultural experiments conducted in Australia, and passes this wealth of information onto small growers. It aims to remove some of the uncertainty impeding the adoption of farm forestry, and make it possible for land managers to consider tree growing as an economic part of the farm enterprise.