Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
103 pages
Published: 8 Sep 2008
Author(s): Vaughan, H, Loyn, R, May, M, Carr, B, Goldstraw, A, Cheers, G, Macak, P, Martin, R
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This research assesses aspects of the ecological sustainability of commercial private native forestry (PNF). It does so in the context of the National Vegetation Management Framework (NVMF) in Victoria, and specifically in the case study area of East Gippsland. The work was completed in 2006. The concepts examined here are further explored in a recent RIRDC report by Peacock (2008) on assessing the sustainability of private native forestry using biodiversity surrogates and metrics.
The research presented in this report principally targets government agencies and others with an interest in approaches to assessing the ecological sustainability of PNF. It has particular relevance to Victoria and implementation of the NVMF. Some elements have relevance to landholders wishing to consider biodiversity in their management regimes; however, communication of these findings would need to be appropriately tailored and extended.