Sustainable Land Use for Depastured Horses

  • 28 pages

  • Published: 1 Jun 2001

  • Author(s): Stubbs, A K

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This publication describes current land use and horse management practices on typical,
small, peri-urban properties and identifies the problems and concerns of horse owners in
these situations. It establishes guidelines for optimum, pasture based, land management
strategies to ensure sustainable land use and more economical feeding.
The information contained in this report will be of value to those involved with a range
of horse activities. A more widespread understanding and implementation of
sustainable, pasture based, grazing regimes for horses will have long term benefits in
more effective and sustainable land use, economy of horse management and improved
appearance of horse properties.
The project, an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 600 research publications, is
part of the Horses Sub-Program of the Corporation. It addresses a Program Strategy
identified in the 1996-97 RIRDC Program Plans:
• develop improved pasture mixes and pasture and management regimes for horses on
Australian farms and also to develop sustainable land use practices for horses
depastured around urban areas.