The Synchronisation of Oestrus and Ovulation in the Mare: Current knowledge, future direction and a practical regimen

  • 52 pages

  • Published: 4 Nov 2010

  • Author(s): Norman, S.T., Larsen, J.E.

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The synchronisation and scheduling of oestrus and ovulation is a management tool that is useful at all levels of equine reproductive management. Improving synchrony regimens will aid the efficiency and safety of the equine stud industry due to anticipated reductions in the need for teasing mares, palpating and scanning mares, and improved timing of inseminations. At the commencement of this study there was no single regimen which achieved the goal of tight synchrony, with the current “gold standard” regimen requiring daily injections for 10 days of a formulation which is not commercially available.
All members of the equine stud industry may benefit from information contained in this report. In the day-to-day management of a stud utilising natural service, synchronisation or scheduling of ovulation can reduce the labour and risks associated with teasing. It can also assist stud managers to gain more efficient use of stallion services.