Wildflower Irrigation Handbook

  • 92 pages

  • Published: 18 Feb 2013

  • Author(s): Corner, Denyse

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This handbook has been developed to address the key principles of efficient irrigation, with respect to the wildflower industry. It provides guidelines for establishing effective irrigation of in-ground wildflowers for the cut flower market and provides cut flower producers with tools to understand and manage their irrigation system and requirements. These guidelines offer practical steps for the installation, maintenance and management of irrigation systems in ways that save water, protect water quality and maximise productivity.
It provides information about the establishment and maintenance of irrigation for wildflower cropping and will help the grower to communicate in an informed way with irrigation professionals.

The research for this handbook was conducted by Agri-Sciences Queensland, Department of Education, Economic Development and Innovation with financial and technical support from the Flower Association of Queensland Incorporated (FAQI).