Search Results for: Honeybee
Showing 51 to 70 of 151 results
Simulation Exercise for Pollination Industries
... for a honeybee disease/pest incursion that has implications for the pollination sector.2) Test and recommend improvements to pollination transition arrangements that would be used following establishment of a honeybee disease/pest. PRO_CLAQ...
Planting for Pollen and Nectar Supply
...custr13_HBE PRJ-005179 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 Mark Leech Leech, Mark Brueckner Leech The project will provide design and description of artificial plantings as resources for use by honeybees and other nectivorous and pollenivorous species in various Australian settings.The project...
Literature review and survey of Nosema apis in Australia
...custr13_HBE PRJ-000491 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 Michael Hornitzky (AP) Administrator, Contracts New South Wales Department of Industry and Investment for and on behalf of the State of NSW - Inactive To provide a literature review and survey of Nosema apis (a protozoan disease of honeybees). PRO_CLAQ...
Honey Industry Survey 2006/07
...custr13_HBE PRJ-000968 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 Milly Lubulwa Barrie, Mirjana Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences The objective of this project is to generate a consistent set of estimates for the production and financial characteristics of honeybee producers in Australia, in line with the survey done by ABARE in 2001-02. PRO_CLAQ...
HAL-Non-chemical and minimum chemical use options for management of varroa
...custr13_HBE PRJ-005718 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 AgriFutures Australia Raise awareness among the honeybee industry particpants of non-chemical and minimum chemical use options in Australia for management of Varroa.Workshop will be funded by HAL, with RIRDC as administrator/coordinator 1...
Pollination Aware: Its Importance to Australia
...custr13_HBE PRJ-004588 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 Rob Keogh Keogh, Rob Strategen Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd Pollination by the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) is important to varying degrees to the productivity and quality of many agricultural and horticultural commodities grown...
Industry Development Grant_Alan Dorin
...custr13_HBE PRJ-012993 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 Alan Dorin Oswald, Halina Monash University The funds will be used to support a current project by allowing us to extend an existing,working, single-unit honeybee activity monitoring prototype. This prototype contains a highqualitydigital camera...
Pollination Australia – Booklet
...07-180 At a workshop in April 2007, the honeybee industry and other pollination stakeholders evaluated opportunities and threats to the pollination industry and set initial directions to develop paid pollination services as a self sustaining industry. The workshop was funded by the Department...
International Union for the Study of Social Insects
...custr13_HBE PRJ-009415 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 Madeleine Beekman Makoviney, Nicole The University of Sydney The International Union for the Study of Social Insects is the major international academic society for the study of social insects including honeybees. The society meets every four...
Final report summary: Chemical residues in honey bee products post canola flowering
... of honeybee products from this early-flowering floral source. Chemical analyses carried out as part of the project found trace residues of neonicotinoid in honey, pollen, wax and beebread (stored bee pollen) at levels far lower than those reported from similar studies carried out in the United...
Pollination Symposium – 16 September 2009 – Keith, SA
... with the Honeybee Industry Strategic Plan Implementation Committee (HISPIC), RIRDC Honeybee & Pasture Seeds committees.The main groups targeted to attend the conference and the desired outcomes aimed for will be;• Lucerne & pasture seed industryAIM - to quantify to growers (and others...
Blue-banded bees as potential pollinators of lucerne
... of the bees on the crop by providing nest substrateand by seeding them from existing cultures. 1) Investigate the ability of blue-banded bees to pollinate lucerne. Honeybees areoften placed on lucerne at high densities, because they are not preferred by the bees.We will investigate the ability...
Honey Bee and Pollination Program Communications 2018-2020
... crops and honey production in to the future, on a sustainable and profitable basis.This will raise awareness of research outcomes and help to ensure they are widely adopted by the honeybee industry and pollination dependent plant industries.It will also support the education of plant industries and the Australian community about the importance of pollination services. PRO_CLAQ...
Cost-benefit analysis of the effects of Apis cerana
... for eradication. The Australian honeybee industry regards this benefit cost analysis as a crucial element in ensuring the long term economic health of the industry.The project will focus on collecting data and estimating the increased public health costs for the general community if Apis Cerana becomes...
Multi-point honey bee monitoring in glasshouses and polytunnels
... monitoring technology, apiarists and growers can assess how effectively bees move and pollinate crops within industrial settings. * Example honey bee flight directionality plots produced by the AI software embedded in the multi-point monitoring system can be viewed here:
Pollination Australia
... management strategies for biosecurity and adaptation should an incursion not be containable, research and development required to underpin these risk management strategies; and education and training to ensure that the honeybee industry can deliver on the biosecurity strategies and adapt to manage veroa...
Investigating factors that influence chalkbrood outbreaks in Australia
...custr13_HBE PRJ-010815 Mia Lorber-Hughes 02 6923 6900 John Roberts Brotton, Bronwen Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Nosema (N. apis and N. ceranae) and chalkbrood (Ascosphaera apis) are significant honeybee pathogens that reduce hive productivity and cause...
European Foulbrood – investigating control measures (Web only)
...04-092 THIS PUBLICATION IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD ONLY In 2002, RIRDC produced a five year research and development plan for the Honeybee Program. This plan was formulated in consultation with industry to provide the research direction necessary for the current best practice and preparation...
Book chapter
Pollination Aware Case Study: Plums and Prunes
... contribution from outside sources including feral honeybees, for the entirety of Australia’s pollination-responsive commodities (this information is summarised in Appendices 2 and 3 of the full report Pollination Aware - The Real Value of Pollination in Australia (RIRDC Pub. No. 10/081)). ...
Book chapter
Pollination Aware Case Study: Rubus
... contribution from outside sources including feral honeybees, for the entirety of Australia’s pollination-responsive commodities (this information is summarised in Appendices 2 and 3 of the full report Pollination Aware - The Real Value of Pollination in Australia (RIRDC Pub. No. 10/081)). ...