Industry blueprint: Ginger
This blueprint serves as a resource for those interested in the ginger industry provides essential fast facts alongside the fundamental themes highlighted in the AgriFutures...
62 pages
Published: 31 Jan 2017
Author(s): Research, Agtrans
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This report presents the results of economic analyses of projects initially funded between 2012 and 2017 within the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) Ginger Research and Development (R&D) Program.
The information contained in the report is targeted at Program and RIRDC management, all sectors of the Australian ginger industry, and the wider Australian community. Other target audiences include the Australian Government and the Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations (CRRDC).
RIRDC ensures it can monitor and report the impacts of its research, development and extension (RD&E) investments. To achieve this, RIRDC has adopted an encompassing evaluation policy that established the approach by which the Corporation will evaluate its performance against the delivery of the RIRDC Corporate Plan 2012-17. The evaluation policy is focussed on evaluating RD&E delivery in a way that is simple, draws on the Corporation’s existing data gathering capabilities and is cost-effective for the size of the organisation.