Determining Biomass in Residues Following Harvest in Pinus radiata Forests in New South Wales

  • 78 pages

  • Published: 27 Apr 2012

  • Author(s): Ximenes, Fabiano , Ramos, Jorge, Bi, Dr. Huiquan , Cameron, Nick , Pal Singh, Dr. Bhupinder, Blasi, Mirella

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The significant volumes of biomass which are currently left on site after harvesting public and private plantations result in high site preparation and reestablishment costs. Utilisation for heat, electricity or liquid fuel production could partially, or completely, offset these costs. In order to develop a market for biomass there is a need to establish available volumes that could be removed sustainably, biomass harvesting costs and potential savings that could be generated for plantation establishment.

This research, through pilot projects in the Macquarie region of NSW, aimed to determine quantities of the different biomass fractions in the residues, and a preliminary cost benefit analyses from extracting that resource.