Economic Evaluation of Investment in the Honeybee R&D Program including the Pollination Sub-program

  • 68 pages

  • Published: 25 Feb 2012

  • Author(s): Chudleigh, Peter, Dr

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The RIRDC Honeybee R&D Program supports the continued development of a productive and profitable Australian beekeeping industry. This report presents the results of economic analyses of three investments within the Honeybee R&D Program.

The projects evaluated demonstrated a wide range of predominantly economic benefits, a number of which were quantified in value terms. Funding for the three projects analysed totalled $0.79 million (present value terms) and produced aggregate total benefits of $4.71 million (present value terms).
The information contained in the report is targeted at the honeybee industry, the Australian Government and the Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations (CRRDC).