Facilitating the Adoption of Biomass Co-firing for Power Generation

  • 119 pages

  • Published: 2 Aug 2011

  • Author(s): McEvilly, Gerard, Abeysuriya, Srian , Dix, Stuart

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This RIRDC report is about biomass co-firing, which is a method to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by substituting a renewable fuel—biomass—for a proportion of the coal used to generate electricity in coal-fired power stations.
Importantly, the focus is on factors affecting the adoption of co-firing rather than on the technology itself. Biomass co-firing has been proven and commercially adopted around the world, facilitated by a range of supportive policies. At low levels of co-firing, minimal capital expenditure is required, making this one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce GHG emissions.